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Hitchhiking from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia
March 14, 2015  by Milon 

I guess that traveling by public transport is not so interesting to describe. That is more then common...

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How are travellers changing
October 29, 2014  by Milon 

It has been some time I wrote last time on my blog and lot of things happened from my last article. I moved...

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Travelling for a year
April 1, 2014  by Milon 

Sitting on ferry between two Indonesian islands and waiting to pass 30 hours ride. When I look out of ferry...

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Silk Road is history, but where to go next?
November 20, 2013  by Milon 

It has been already around two months when I finished travelling on the Silk Road and as I planned from...

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Why you never travel alone
September 24, 2013  by Milon 

On my way thought countries in Central Asia I got used to be from time to time more or less centre of attention...

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How Bishkek police cops tried to rob me
August 20, 2013  by Milon 

I have heard quite many stories about “lovely” police in Kyrgyzstan respective Bishkek and their...

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Turkmenistan border crossing
July 17, 2013  by Milon 

Crossing Turkmenistan on my way to Uzbekistan seems to me be easy in case I take transit visa. Application...

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On the way to the Iran
June 12, 2013  by Milon 

For a long time I was looking forward to see landscape around Armenian / Azerbaijan and Iran border....

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Travelling to Turkish Kurdistan
May 12, 2013  by Milon 

When I came in Cappadocia at bus stand and asked for ticket to Urfa I got quite surprising reply „Don’t go...

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Journey itinerary or which places do I plan visit?
April 20, 2013  by Milon 

Many people ask me what are so far my travel plans. Well it is not so easy to answer or may be better...

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