
Galapagos Islands Wildlife

I was lucky to have a chance visit this incredible part of the world full of untouched nature. In this gallery I would like to share with you some of Galapagos Islands Wildlife I had a chance to see.

For most people main reason why they decide go to archipelago is wildlife they can see on the surface of the islands or below the sea level. I tried both and can only recommend the visit. If you have time and of course money don’t hesitate to come over, because I can guarantee that you would not regret and will be hard to leave at the end. In case you plan visit the islands or you are only looking for more information then may be can help you my blog post about “Cheapest way how get to Galapagos islands”.

Many people come only for four or five days and spend them “running” around. My recommendation is simple “If you can take your time and spend on the islands as much time as you can. You would never regret your decision”. Don’t worry it is almost impossible to be bored and in case you become sick of sailing on the sea between the islands, then just take a rest on one of the three main (inhabited) islands. Here is possible spend your time more or less as in any other sea resort around the world. That means on the beach with the book. The “only” difference is that you would never be alone. That is what you can be sure…

Well and what other sources say about Galapagos? For example this:

“The Galapagos Islands are a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean and are one of the Ecuador provinces. Islands are lying about 1,000 km off its coast and are considered as one of the world’s foremost destinations for wildlife watching. Its isolated terrain shelters, a diversity of plants and animal species which are not found nowhere else makes this place unique. In 1835 was archipelago visited by Charles Darwin and his observation of Galapagos species later inspired his Theory of evolution”.

I think I wrote far enough so feel free to have a look what you can see on the islands.

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