Personally don’t know person who would not like to visit Egypt, their ancient sights or at least relax at Red see coast. It was same in my case. The desire for visiting the country was growing in me for quite sometime. Main reason why I was every time postponing the visit was the number of tourist who are visiting this country. My main concern was that number of tourist will destroy the experience. That is also one of the reasons I decided to travel the country with backpack without any schedule (except my return ticket). You gain freedom and manage quite easily avoid tourist who mostly come for day trips from seaside.
Travelling with backpack is more than feasible even thou I heard before the trip lot of reasons why I should not do it or why it is not possible… Travelling independently give you the opportunity to meet local people in their normal daily life and discuss with them life issues. In local buses, family hotels or already in one or two streets from tourist spots you and up in different Egypt than most of people who visit the country know…
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